Per month, billed annually
1 Team member
50 credits/month
Daily tasks
Market Intelligence
company discovery
Credit over-usage = $0.99/credit
Custom Reports = $800/month/report
Competitive Intelligence = $200/month
Company inbound = $200/month
dedicated analyst = $800/month
Per month, billed annually
3 Team members
120 credits/month
Daily tasks
market intelligence
company discovery
credit over-usage = $0.79/credit
custom reports = $800/month/report
Competitive Intelligence = $200/month
Company inbound = $200/month
dedicated analyst = $800/month
Per month, billed annually
5 Team Members
250 credits/month
daily tasks
market intelligence
company discovery
credit over-usage = $0.65/credit
custom reports = $800/month/report
Competitive Intelligence = $200/month
Company inbound = $200/month
dedicated analyst = $800/month
Enterprise Plans
Tailored intelligence for corporate powerhouses.

The Innovation Intelligence Enterprise Plan is a comprehensive solution designed to cater to a wide range of business needs. It is capable of accommodating a large number of users and offers exclusive access to our Large Language Model API. This plan is ideal for businesses seeking a customized approach to leverage advanced AI capabilities in their operations.

Contact Sales
Credit usage
Credit Consumption Per Feature

Each feature consumes a specific number of credits:

- Market Intelligence: 2 credits
- Company Discovery: 1 credit
- Chat Startup: 2 credits
- News: 1 credit
- Reports: 3 credits

- Over-usage charges will be applied at the end of each billing cycle.
- The credit expire after 30 days.

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Within just 18 months, a striking 71% of businesses have pivoted to leveraging Generative AI—time is of the essence in maintaining a competitive edge.

Dive into the rapid adoption and transformative impact of Generative AI in the corporate sphere with our comprehensive 'Generative AI in Strategic Decision-Making' report.

Act now—download your copy today and pave the way for a future-proof business!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate and reliable is the data provided?
Why should I choose Innovation Intelligence over ChatGPT?
How secure is my data with Innovation Intelligence?
How user-friendly is the software for non-technical users?
What if I don't use all my monthly credits?
What makes your AI co-pilot solution stand out?