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Unleash the Power of AI in Your Corporate Strategy Journey

1- Efficient Market Analysis

Delve into the heart of market trends, and competitor strategies with Innovation Intelligence. Our AI-powered platform synthesizes data from over 3 million companies and 1 million venture deals, providing comprehensive insights that keep you steps ahead in the market. Stay informed, stay ahead.

Generative AI Market Analysis Example Image - Innovation Intelligence Generative AI Copilot for Strategy and Innovation
Objetive Setting Image - Innovation Intelligence Generative AI Copilot for Strategy and Innovation

2- Revolutionize Objective Setting with AI-Driven Insights

Innovation Intelligence uses AI to tap into a wealth of industry benchmarks and competitor performances, helping you define realistic and ambitious objectives. Our platform aids in setting precise KPIs, aligning your short-term and long-term goals with evolving market dynamics for strategic success.

3- Strategic Formulation with Cutting-Edge Data

Leverage the power of AI to explore best practices in strategy formulation and gain insights into disruptive technologies and trends. Innovation Intelligence offers a trove of data for option generation and evaluation, ensuring your strategy is not just robust but also innovative and future-ready.

Innovation Radar Image - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovation
Strategy review Image - Innovation Intelligence Generative AI Copilot for Strategy and Innovation

4- Strategic Review: AI-Powered, Future-Focused Insights

Stay agile and adaptive with Innovation Intelligence. Our AI capabilities provide ongoing insights into market shifts and internal dynamics, enabling regular strategic reviews for consistent relevance and effectiveness. Embrace change and lead with confidence in an ever-evolving business landscape.Gain a competitive edge in startup assessments by leveraging AI to uncover in-depth insights on funding, investors, and strategic market positioning. Make smarter, risk-minimized decisions to align perfectly with your innovation goals

best option for strategy and innovation
Innovation Intelligence
Daily Tasks (Writing Content, Explanation, Editing Documents, etc..)
Data Privacy
Real-Time Data Updates
No Hallucinations
Daily Updates on Venture Capital Deals And Emerging Tech Companies
Comprehensive Private Market Data  (3M Companies and 1M Deals)
In-Depth Research and Reports
Access to Latin America Private Market Data
Daily Tasks (Writing Content, Explanation, Editing Documents, etc..)
Data Privacy
Real-Time Data Updates
No Hallucinations
Daily Updates on Venture Capital Deals And Emerging Tech Companies
Comprehensive Private Market Data  (3M Companies and 1M Deals)
In-Depth Research and Reports
Access to Latin America Private Market Data

What people say about us

Viviane Martins
CEO at Falconi
Star Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovation

Innovation Intelligence's real-time insights empower us to stay ahead in a dynamic market – a true competitive edge!

Flavia Nachbar
Strategic Partnerships at MBC Biolabs
Star Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovation

With Innovation Intelligence, we found our ideal business partners effortlessly, saving time and effort.

Fábio Póvoa
Managing Partner at Smart Money Ventures
Star Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovationStar Full Icon - Innovation Intelligence- You business copilot for strategy and innovation

Innovation Intelligence is our trusted co-pilot. It guides us through the data maze, ensuring we make informed decisions and thrive in a dynamic business landscape.

Numbers Don't Lie: The Unmistakable Proof in Our Data

Innovation Intelligence's Groundbreaking Proprietary Technology.

Introducing Innovation Intelligence: where our proprietary AI technology sets a new standard in business intelligence. Our advanced algorithm uniquely captures and processes a diverse range of data, from structured information to dynamic content like videos and social media. This powers our generative AI chatbot, offering real-time insights and in-depth analysis for strategic decision-making.

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3 million
Companies in our Database
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Largest Tech Ecosystem
Suitcase Icon - Innovation Intelligence Generative AI Copilot for Strategy and Innovation
1 million
Venture Capital & M&A Deals
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Data Update

Pricing with a money-back guarantee

Per month, billed annually
1 Team member
50 credits/month
Daily tasks
Market Intelligence
company discovery
Credit over-usage = $0.99/credit
Custom Reports = $800/month/report
Competitive Intelligence = $200/month
Company inbound = $200/month
dedicated analyst = $800/month
Per month, billed annually
3 Team members
120 credits/month
Daily tasks
market intelligence
company discovery
credit over-usage = $0.79/credit
custom reports = $800/month/report
Competitive Intelligence = $200/month
Company inbound = $200/month
dedicated analyst = $800/month
Per month, billed annually
5 Team Members
250 credits/month
daily tasks
market intelligence
company discovery
credit over-usage = $0.65/credit
custom reports = $800/month/report
Competitive Intelligence = $200/month
Company inbound = $200/month
dedicated analyst = $800/month
Enterprise Plans
Tailored intelligence for corporate powerhouses.

The Innovation Intelligence Enterprise Plan is a comprehensive solution designed to cater to a wide range of business needs. It is capable of accommodating a large number of users and offers exclusive access to our Large Language Model API. This plan is ideal for businesses seeking a customized approach to leverage advanced AI capabilities in their operations.

Contact Sales
Credit usage
Credit Consumption Per Feature

Each feature consumes a specific number of credits:

- Market Intelligence: 2 credits
- Company Discovery: 1 credit
- Chat Startup: 2 credits
- News: 1 credit
- Reports: 3 credits

- Over-usage charges will be applied at the end of each billing cycle.
- The credit expire after 30 days.

We're here to help

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate and reliable is the data provided?
Why should I choose Innovation Intelligence over ChatGPT?
How secure is my data with Innovation Intelligence?
How user-friendly is the software for non-technical users?
What if I don't use all my monthly credits?
What makes your AI co-pilot solution stand out?